Are you looking for an Apartment Or Flat Building Construction Company in Johannesburg? Contact Last Builders now.

What is Our Target In Flat Building Construction?

Our target projects are to build legit, flexible and strong buildings.  We are an advanced Home Construction building company in Johannesburg, South Africa. In addition, we build up-market housing, and property development.

Flat Building Construction Company, Near Johannesburg

Last Builders, Technical due diligence

Get a technical assessment of your apartment or flat to help reach the best standards and decarbonize your real estate assets: discover gaps, define metrics, and translate them into a real home for South Africans and residence.

Urban and Market Studies


Define the future development direction for multiple asset types with our careful search for urban strong buildings and new technology. Understand the constraints and potential related to building uses, sustainability, and surface regulations.

Master planning and phasing advice

Create a clear vision for your future flat or apartment development. Obtain long-term planning in all phases of the strategic framework. Get detailed recommendations, that take the existing built environment and social community into consideration.

Negotiation Of Development Agreements

Rely on our extensive experience in negotiations with legitimate and technical stakeholders to create value for your land or building. Minimise risks and achieve successful outcomes that cater to local regulations. It’s the Last Builders object to archive. So do you.

Development scenarios and feasibility studies

Develop retrofit, repositioning, or new flat or apartment scenarios with single and mixed uses, qualify and compare them with multiple metrics and data including sustainability, architectural and technical quality, resistance to weather changes, and planning.

 Planning and asset business plan

Advanced in return on the capital investment of your Flat Or Apartment project development. With a reliable and accurate Last Builders plan, that considers all related costs, business objectives, residential needs, and the latest Deeweb marketing trends.

Stakeholder Competition Management

Use our market knowledge and extensive network to identify the right partners and stakeholders. E.g. architects, developers, technical engineers, and managing the competitive process to secure the best team for your project.

Preparation For Implementation

Transform your apartment or flat development plans into reality with project implementation. We can help with everything from campaign audits to defining detailed project programs and costs, to selecting a design team.

Creating sustainable value for your Flat or Apartment 

Whether you’re maintaining, repositioning, or creating a new building. Our development consultancy solutions will bring long-lasting value to your flat or apartment portfolio. We drive outstanding results at every stage, from development consultancy to delivery. We consider your current asset performance, changing urban dynamics, constantly evolving user experience, and your requirements.


Would you like to learn more about the project’s calculations and preparations? Perhaps you need to find out more about flat building construction. Do your own research on the website. And find out more Read News Now

Effective Leadership for Quality Improvement in Flat Building Construction



We explain the changes we want to implement and how they will improve things. In addition, we listen to the needs of others and express their own ideas.


At Last Builders we develop a vision for quality and communicate it to others. We also help people understand their role in achieving that vision

Continuous improvement

In our expertise, we are committed to excellence and create an environment where employees are encouraged to ask about the project before, in progress and after. 


In business, not everything goes well. But we thrive on failure and battle through adverse events.